Nov 24, 2020
Cid Bullens is a two-time Grammy nominated singer, songwriter, and performer who has been in the music industry for over 40 years. He served as backup vocalist for Elton John, Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, and more, as well as sang on the 1978 Grease soundtrack. He retreated from the music business in the 1980s, got married, and had 2 daughters. After reemerging onto the music scene, his youngest daughter Jessie died in 1996, which led Cid to write and record a collection of unfiltered songs based on his experience that came out in 1999 on Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth. Cid continued writing, recording, and performing both individually and with others in the industry until taking another break in 2011 to transition from female to male and become who he truly is. He has since debuted a one wo/man show entitled Somewhere Between: Not an Ordinary Life, which won Best One-Person Show of 2016; has written and recorded more albums, including the intimate and inspiring Walkin' Through This World; and has been featured in multiple documentaries. Cid now lives with his wife Tanya Rubinstein in Maine, close to his daughter Reid and four grandchildren.